
founding & investing State Guarantee


Guarantees provided by the State of Hesse help to obtain financing when collateral is lacking and the state of Hessen has a public interest in the project.


  • Guarantee amounts of at least 1.25 million euros
  • State Guarantee with a fixed rate between 50 % and 80 % of the guaranteed loan
  • 1 per cent guarantee fee

What can be promoted?

By means of a guarantee provided by the State of Hesse, it is possible to collateralise

  • working capital either as revolving loans with a maturity up to five years or loans with a fixed repayment schedule
  • revolving loans in the form of a bank guarantee
  • investment loans
  • business transfers

Eligible for State Guarantees are all kinds of projects that are viable but where there is a lack of collaterals, i. e. the financing of innovations, restructurings, succession plans or a Management-Buy-Out / In and working capital. It is essential that the State of Hesse has a public interest in the project.

Below the amount of 1.25 million euros guarantees are granted by Bürgschaftsbank Hessen GmbH (BB H) Bürgschaftsbank Hessen GmbH (BB H).

What are the terms and conditions?

The applicable guarantee rate is part of the decision process and fixed in each particular case. It depends on how strongly public interest is affected.

In the case of investment loans, the guarantee fee is usually 70 per cent; for working capital loans it is usually 50 per cent.

The application fee is 1 per cent of the guaranteed amount (max. 60,000 euros.); the annual fee also amounts to 1 per Cent.

Where to apply?

The application is submitted via the principal bank ("house bank"). This bank determines if the conditions for a State Guarantee are met and contacts WIBank as the mandatory of the State of Hesse. WIBank offers advisory services to companies and to financial institutions in all stages of the guarantee process, beginning with the first request, the application procedure and up to the administration of State Guarantees.

How to obtain funding

Please contact your house bank before starting your project with a presentation of your funding needs. Your house bank will send a preliminary request with this presentation as well as information concerning your company to WIBank. WIBank in turn will contact the decision makers of the State of Hesse in order to verify the public interest. If an application is recommended, fill in application form together with your house bank. It will pass on the application as well as other application documentation to WIBank.

WIBank prepares a report to the decision makers and organises a Round Table together with the company, your house bank and WIBank to discuss open questions and the terms and conditions of the State Guarantee. The Guarantee Council of the State of Hesse decides if a State Guarantee should be granted. On the basis of this recommendation the minister of Finance and the minister of Economic Affairs take their decision

After approval, WIBank works out a letter of commitment to the house bank and the company. Company and house bank sign a loan agreement and obtain the guarantee certificate.

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